Wow, I cannot believe I have a blog! Really me a Blog! If it was not for my friend and neighbor Leanne I would not have this blog. OH MY GOSH I cannot stop say Blog. Blog, Blog, Blog, Blog. Blog. OK sorry I had a moment...
I know I have a lot to say but not really sure how to put in writing. So please be kind and do not laugh too much at my poor writing skills.
First I want to give a big THANK YOU to Leanne who took the time out of her busy schedule and time away from her family to create my Blog, Button and show me the basics. But most of all Leanne for listening to my carry on about all my coupon adventures and encouraging me to share it online. Leanne your the BEST, your a Good Friend, Neighbor and most of all a really GREAT PERON.
I'm hoping this blog to be about saving money, my family adventures, my 3 boys (husband included) friends and my journey through life as a forty something woman.
Wahoooo Sherri!!!! YOU DID IT!!! Your VERY FIRST POST!!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!! Can't wait for more!!!! GO GIRL!!!
Hey Sher! Congrats on the BLOG!!! I am happy to say that I was your second follower (after Leanne told me she was working on your blog). I'm glad to see it is up and running now, and I look forward to checking out all the deals you find for us!!!
hey Sherri! Love your blog, and am looking forward to your money saving tips! I am constantly calling myself a cheapskate!
Sherri glad to be here!!! I am Leanne's friend, too {a bloggy one} and I am here to support you!!:)
haha OK i figured this out...I think?? Wow a BLOG??? Cool ~ hehe
The cartoon does look like you!!
that anonymous person is ME...Your BFF I guess I dont have this figured out!!! Love ya
Congrats, Sherri!! Stopped by from Leanne's place! Love your blog!!
Hey Sherri congrats Tyler told me about your blog and I just checked it out today. Very Cool.
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